Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana 2023 Launched With Rs 101 Crore Budget 

On October 03, 2023, the Government of Himachal Pradesh formally launched a program known as the “Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana” to support orphaned children in the state. This scheme aims to provide care and support to 6,000 orphaned children, whom the government will adopt and look after. Additionally, the government will offer various assistance, including support for their education, housing, and marriage expenses. Eligible children will also receive monthly financial aid under the Chief Minister Sukh Ashray Yojana. In this article, we are going to deep dive into the Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana, please continue reading this article, to gain detailed information about it.

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What is Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana?

The Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, Mr. Thakur Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu, introduced the Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana on February 16, 2023. This initiative aims to provide support to over 6,000 orphaned children in the state by officially adopting them as “Children of the State” under the care of the state government. The government will be responsible for providing all necessary facilities, including education and guardianship, for these children.

The Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana also encompasses benefits related to housing, education, and marriage, all of which will be extended to the children under the government’s supervision. Furthermore, the scheme includes provisions for orphans, specially-abled children, destitute women, and senior citizens. The government has allocated a budget of Rs 101 crore for the successful implementation of this program. Let’s look into the details of the scheme. 

Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana 2023 Key Highlights 
Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana 2023 Launch DateOctober 03, 2023,
Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana Official Website Click Here
Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana 2023 Objectiveto support orphaned children, specially-abled children, destitute women, and senior citizens in the state. 
Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana Budget 2023-24Rs 101 Crore for Orphan Children
Rs 995 Crore for Widow Remarriage 
Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana under which MinistrySOCIAL JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT, HP
Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana Mode of Application Not Defined
Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana No. of Beneficiaries 6000 Oprhan children
Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana Beneficiaries Orphaned children
Specially-abled children
Destitute women
Senior citizens
Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana Helpline Number 01772629763
Email ID – [email protected]

Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana Objective

The primary objective behind the introduction of Chief Minister Sukh Ashray Yojana by the Himachal Pradesh government is to extend financial assistance to orphaned children, destitute women, and senior citizens within the state. This initiative aims to alleviate any challenges they might encounter in their daily lives.

Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana

Under this scheme, orphaned children will receive comprehensive support, including access to food, housing, and education, all provided by the government until they reach the age of 27. The Chief Minister Sukhashray Yojana is designed to enhance the quality of life for destitute children, ultimately contributing to a brighter future for them. It aims to empower them, making them resilient and self-sufficient individuals.

Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana Financial Assistance 

The Chief Minister Sukh Ashray Yojana offers various financial assistance packages tailored to different categories. Here are the details of the financial support provided under this scheme:

1. Recurring Accounts: Orphan children and destitute women residing in institutions will have recurring accounts opened under Mukhyamantari Sukh Aashray Yojana 2023.

2. Monthly Assistance (0-14 Years): Children aged 0 to 14 years will receive a direct monthly transfer of Rs 1000 to their bank accounts from the government.

3. Monthly Assistance (14-18 Years): Orphan children and single women between the ages of 14 to 18 years will receive monthly financial assistance of Rs 2500.

4. Coaching and Hostel Fees (Above 18 Years): Those above 18 years of age will receive an annual amount of Rs 1 lakh for coaching and hostel fees.

5. Scholarship for Accommodation: Orphan children pursuing coaching will receive a monthly scholarship of Rs 4,000 for accommodation.

6. Picnic for Development: Monthly picnics will be organized to promote the overall development of the children.

7. Housing Assistance: Orphan children without a home will receive 3 Biswa land and financial assistance of Rs 3 lakh to build a house.

8. Marriage Grant: Eligible orphan children will receive a grant of Rs 2 lakh from the government for their marriage.

9. Startup Support: Orphan children with entrepreneurial aspirations can receive a lump sum amount of Rs 2 lakh under this scheme to start their own businesses.

10. Festival Allowance: Children residing in orphanages will receive an annual allowance of Rs 500 from the government to celebrate all festivals, enabling them to purchase necessary items during festive occasions.

Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana 2023 Financial Assitance
Monthly Assistance (0-14 Years)Rs 1000
Monthly Assistance (14-18 Years)Rs 2500
Coaching and Hostel Fees (Above 18 Years)Rs 1 lakh
Scholarship for AccommodationRs 4,000
Housing AssistanceRs 3 lakh
Marriage GrantRs 2 lakh
Startup SupportRs 2 lakh
Festival AllowanceRs 200 
Widow Remarriage SupportRs 2 lakh ( earlier it was  Rs 65,000)

Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana Eligibility Criteria 

To qualify for the Chief Minister Sukhashray Yojana, applicants must meet specific eligibility criteria as follows:

1. Residency Requirement: Applicants must be residents of Himachal Pradesh to be considered eligible for this scheme.

2. Orphaned Children: Only orphaned children within the state will be eligible to access the scheme’s benefits.

3. Support for Vulnerable Groups: Additionally, destitute women and senior citizens residing in Himachal Pradesh will also meet the eligibility criteria for this scheme.

Also Read: Mukhyamantri Madhu Vikas Yojana 2023: Unemployed Youth of HP to Get Employment 

Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana Documents Required

The following documents are necessary for applying to the Mukhyamantari Sukh Aashray Yojana:

1. Aadhar card

2. Proof of address

3. Income certificate

4. Death certificate of the child’s parents

5. Affidavit from destitute women

6. Academic mark sheet of child

7. Receipt from the coaching facility or hostel

8. Affidavit confirming landlessness

9. Bank account statement

10. Passport-sized photograph

11. Mobile phone number.

Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana in News | What’s New

On October 03, 2023, Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu officially inaugurated the “Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashraya Yojana” at Ridge Shimla. This initiative is geared towards offering comprehensive assistance to orphans, specially-abled children, destitute women, and senior citizens within the state. The Chief Minister disbursed financial benefits totaling Rs 4.68 crore to eligible beneficiaries, including:

1. Higher Education Support: A sum of Rs. 15.52 lakh was allocated for covering fees and other hostel expenses, in addition to Rs. 11.52 lakh designated for monthly expenses. This support benefitted 48 orphaned children pursuing higher education.

2. Professional Courses Assistance: Further financial aid was extended to 17 orphaned children enrolled in various professional courses, with Rs. 7.02 lakh for fees and Rs. 4.08 lakh for monthly expenses.

3. Foster Care and Sponsorship: The Chief Minister also facilitated financial assistance to 1106 beneficiaries through foster care and sponsorship programs, amounting to Rs. 2.65 crore.

4. Laptops for Meritorious Students: Additionally, 30 exceptional 12th-grade students from Child Care Institutes, who had excelled in their 10th-grade exams, received laptops. The second phase of this initiative will extend laptops to 268 students from the 10th and 12th grades.

5. Support for Small Industries: The Chief Minister earmarked six lakh rupees for three beneficiaries to establish small and micro-industries.

Moreover, under the Sukh Ashraya Yojana, approximately 2,700 newly identified orphans residing with relatives will also receive monthly financial assistance of Rs 4,000 until they reach the age of 27 years.

Sh. Sukhu emphasized the government’s dedication to safeguarding the welfare of vulnerable children. To provide a nurturing environment, the scheme includes a provision for one nurse per child in need of maternal care and a matron for every three children.

Additionally, the program incorporates an annual 15-day educational tour for orphaned children, which includes their stay in three-star hotels. The government will cover all expenses, including air travel. Sh. Sukhu stressed that these rights, granted to orphaned children, are not merely acts of compassion but have now been codified into law to protect their entitlements.

Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana Widow Remarriage Allowance 

At the event, it was announced that Mukhyamantri Sukh Aashray Yojana the government is going to enhance social welfare and approve new social security pension cases.

Notably, the allowance for widow remarriage has been substantially increased from Rs 65 thousand to Rs 2 lakh by the present State Government. The Department of Social Justice and Empowerment has been allocated a budget of Rs 995 crore for the current fiscal year.

Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana

Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana Web Portal Launched | Mukhya Mantri Sukh Aashray Kosh

On October 03, 2023, the Mukhyamantri Sukh Aashray Kosh was launched and all the updates regarding the scheme will be updated. If you want to contribute to this noble, you can do so from this website only. There will be a CONTRIBUTE TAB through which you can donate your desired amount. Initially, a 101 crore rupees has been initiated. The CM has donated his 1-month salary and urged other MLAs to do the same. 


Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana How to Apply?

Upon reviewing the website, there doesn’t appear to be a direct method for individuals to apply for the scheme online or offline. Instead, the responsibility for selecting beneficiaries under this scheme lies with the District Child Protection Officer and other relevant officials. Their role is to identify children in need who qualify for the program.

If, at a later date, there is an opportunity for individuals to apply for the scheme, we will ensure to provide you with the latest updates. In the meantime, please continue to check this space regularly to stay informed and not miss out on any important announcements.

Here is the complete SOP that the officials need to follow to run the Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana effectively.

Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana FAQs

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